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Vendor: Jane truman

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These descriptions provide an overview of traditional garments from different Asian cultures, including Japan, Korea, India, and Vietnam. They highlight key features such as the kimono's wrap-around design and intricate patterns, the hanbok's vibrant colors symbolizing aspects of Korean culture,...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

In the mid-1800s, as the United States expanded, the Central Pacific Railroad needed laborers to build the western portion of the Transcontinental Railroad. Facing a shortage of workers, they turned to Chinese immigrants, who endured discrimination but sought opportunity in...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month traces its roots back to 1977, when Representatives Frank Horton and Norman Y. Mineta introduced a resolution to designate the first ten days of May as Asian-Pacific Heritage Week. This initial recognition aimed...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage explores key themes in Pacific Islander mythology, including creation stories, legendary figures with extraordinary abilities, and the interconnectedness of humans and nature. It presents these concepts in a straightforward manner, making them accessible for students to understand. Teachers...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage highlights the achievements of notable Asian American scientists across various fields, including physics, astrophysics, chemistry, and biochemistry. It provides concise descriptions of their contributions, making it accessible for students to grasp. Teachers can use this passage to introduce...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Kristi Yamaguchi, Jeremy Lin, Michelle Wie, and Bruce Lee are trailblazing Asian American athletes who have left a lasting impact on their respective sports and beyond. Kristi Yamaguchi's historic gold medal win at the 1992 Winter Olympics made her an...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Maya Lin, Yoko Ono, Isamu Noguchi, Anna May Wong, and David Henry Hwang are notable Asian American figures who have made significant contributions to art, architecture, and entertainment. From Maya Lin's iconic design of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to Yoko...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cuisines offer a diverse array of flavors and dishes that have become beloved in the United States. From the savory stir-fries and dumplings of Chinese cuisine to the fresh sushi and delicate tempura of Japanese cuisine,...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man are iconic superheroes known for their unique abilities and inspiring stories. Superman, with his superhuman strength and ability to fly, symbolizes hope and justice. Batman relies on his intellect and gadgets to fight crime,...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Superhero Day celebrates the iconic characters from comic books who embody values like bravery and compassion. Originating from the pages of comics, superheroes like Superman and Wonder Woman inspire people worldwide to be courageous and kind. On Superhero Day, fans...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage recounts the Battle of San Jacinto, highlighting the bravery and unity of Texan soldiers under General Sam Houston. It emphasizes the importance of courage, determination, and teamwork in overcoming challenges, serving as an inspirational lesson for students. This...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage describes how people celebrate World Penguin Day through visits to zoos and aquariums, school activities, and community events. It emphasizes both fun and educational aspects, highlighting the importance of raising awareness about penguin conservation. This is helpful for...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage explains the important role penguins play in their ecosystem as top predators and contributors to nutrient cycling. By controlling the populations of their prey and enriching their environment with nutrients, penguins help maintain ecological balance. This overview is...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage provides a simple and engaging overview of penguins, highlighting their diverse species, nesting behaviors, care for their chicks, and strategies for staying warm and avoiding predators. It is helpful for teachers because it presents key facts in an...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage outlines the significant threats penguins face, including climate change, pollution, overfishing, and human disturbance. It is helpful for teachers as it presents crucial environmental issues in a straightforward manner, making it accessible for students to understand the importance...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage details penguin social structures, courtship rituals, and parental care, providing a comprehensive look at their colony behaviors and foraging techniques. It's useful for teachers as it offers rich, detailed information that is easy for students to understand and...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage provides interesting facts about penguins, highlighting their diverse species, swimming abilities, distinctive colors, large appetites, and nesting behaviors. It's useful for teachers as it presents information in a clear, engaging way that is easy for students to understand...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage guides students through creating their own superhero by brainstorming superpowers, backstory, costume design, and values. It's helpful for teachers as it engages students' creativity and critical thinking in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Emperor Penguins, the largest penguin species in Antarctica, are renowned for their striking black and white plumage and incredible adaptations to extreme cold. They can dive over 500 meters deep and hold their breath for up to 20 minutes to...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

On the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg during its maiden voyage, leading to catastrophic flooding. Despite warnings and initial efforts to manage the damage, the ship's unsinkable reputation was shattered. This passage helps teachers illustrate...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage recounts the Titanic's encounter with an iceberg, the subsequent chaos, and the eventual sinking, highlighting the critical events and the tragic outcome. Teachers can use this concise and clear summary to help students understand the sequence of events...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage provides a straightforward and engaging summary of the Titanic's maiden voyage, from its departure to its tragic sinking. It's helpful for teachers as it simplifies complex events into an easy-to-understand narrative, making it accessible and interesting for students....

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Then, skilled workers started building the Titanic in a large shipyard. They used strong materials like steel and iron to construct the ship's frame, working tirelessly to cut, weld, and shape the metal pieces to fit together perfectly. Once the...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The San Jacinto Monument, commemorating the pivotal Battle of San Jacinto, is a towering testament to Texas's hard-won independence from Mexico. Built in the early 20th century, it is the tallest masonry column globally, crowned with a shining lone star...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99