579 Products Found

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

An airplane's flight is based on Bernoulli's principle, which explains how lift is generated by the shape of the wing. Thrust from engines propels the airplane forward, and control surfaces like ailerons, elevators, and rudders manage its direction and stability....

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage highlights four pioneering aviators: Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindbergh, Chuck Yeager, and Bessie Coleman, each known for their significant contributions and groundbreaking achievements in aviation. It is helpful for teachers as it provides a succinct overview of these influential...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage categorizes different types of aircraft, including fixed-wing aircraft, rotorcraft, lighter-than-air craft, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It is helpful for teachers as it provides clear, concise descriptions of each aircraft type, making it easy for students to understand...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage outlines the critical roles of air traffic controllers, including surveillance, traffic management, communications, and weather monitoring. It is useful for teachers as it clearly explains the responsibilities of air traffic controllers in ensuring aviation safety, making it easy...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage provides an overview of Aviation Day, its origins, and how it celebrates the advancements in aviation. It is helpful for teachers to use in class because it offers a concise and engaging summary, making it easy for students...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$1.99 $4.99

Traditional West Virginian crafts and recipes: WestVirginia's rich cultural heritage is reflected not only in itshistory and natural beauty but also in its traditional craftsand cuisine. Passed down through generations, these craftsand recipes offer a glimpse into the state's diverse...

Vendor: Jane truman

$1.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

West Virginia Day, celebrated on June 20th eachyear, holds significant historical and culturalimportance for the state of West Virginia in theUnited States. This day commemorates theanniversary of West Virginia's admission to the Unionas the 35th state on June 20, 1863,...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Observing the Summer Solstice outdoors offers awonderful opportunity to connect with nature, celebratethe abundance of sunlight, and embrace the spirit of theseason. Whether you're looking for solitary activities orways to gather with friends and family, there are plentyof ways to...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The Summer Solstice, with its significance as thelongest day of the year, has been celebrated bydiverse cultures around the globe for millennia. Thesecelebrations often reflect local traditions, customs,and beliefs, but they share common themes ofhonoring the sun, embracing the abundance...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The solstices, including the Summer Solstice, areastronomical events determined by the tilt of Earth'saxis and its orbit around the Sun. Understanding thescientific principles behind solstices requires delvinginto Earth's axial tilt, its orbit, and the resultingchanges in the angle of sunlight...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

West Virginia's path to statehood is a unique and compellingchapter in American history, marked by a blend of political,social, and geographic factors that set it apart from otherstates. The state's history is deeply intertwined with thebroader narrative of the United...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The natural beauty and resources of West Virginia are asdiverse as they are breathtaking, making the state ahaven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.From rolling hills to majestic mountains, winding rivers todense forests, West Virginia's landscapes offer a wealthof...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The state's role in American history: West Virginia's historyis deeply intertwined with key events and developments inthe broader narrative of American history. From its earlysettlement to its pivotal role in the Civil War and beyond,West Virginia has played a significant...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Stories and legends from West Virginia:Throughout its rich history, West Virginia has beenhome to a myriad of captivating stories and legends,passed down through generations by oral tradition.These tales offer a glimpse into the state'scultural heritage, folklore, and unique identity.Here are...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The Summer Solstice, often referred to simply as"midsummer," marks the longest day of the year in theNorthern Hemisphere and the shortest day in theSouthern Hemisphere. It occurs around June 21steach year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is mostinclined...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The solstice, particularly the Summer Solstice in theNorthern Hemisphere, has a significant impact onagriculture, influencing planting schedules, crop growth,and harvest times. This astronomical event marks thepeak of sunlight and the longest day of the year, whichdirectly affects the growth and...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

West Virginia is home to a wealth of historical andnatural landmarks that reflect its rich culturalheritage and stunning landscapes. These sites offerinsights into the state's past, its natural beauty, andthe diverse activities it offers to residents andvisitors alike

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The arrival of summer is a momentous occasion celebratedwith joy and enthusiasm in cultures around the world. Whilecustoms and traditions vary from region to region, thecommon thread among these celebrations is the embrace ofwarmth, light, and the abundance of the...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

The Summer Solstice, as the longest day of the year inthe Northern Hemisphere, carries profound culturalsignificance across diverse societies and civilizations.This astronomical event has inspired a wide array ofcustoms, rituals, and beliefs that reflect humanity'sdeep connection to the natural world...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$1.99 $4.99

West Virginia boasts a rich tapestry of individuals who haveleft indelible marks on various fields, from entertainmentto politics, literature to sports. Here are some notablefigures who hail from the Mountain State Chuck Yeager Pearl S. Buck Homer Hickam Katherine Johnson...

Vendor: Jane truman

$1.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$1.99 $4.99

How West Virginia Day is celebrated: WestVirginia Day, observed annually on June 20th, is atime for residents of the Mountain State to cometogether and celebrate their heritage, history,and unique identity. The day commemorates theanniversary of West Virginia's admission to theUnion...

Vendor: Jane truman

$1.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage emphasizes the vital role oceans play in sustaining life on Earth and the importance of celebrating World Ocean Day to raise awareness about ocean conservation. Teachers can use it in class to educate students about the significance of...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

This passage describes how people celebrate World Penguin Day through visits to zoos and aquariums, school activities, and community events. It emphasizes both fun and educational aspects, highlighting the importance of raising awareness about penguin conservation. This is helpful for...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99

Zora Neale Hurston, hailing from Eatonville, Florida, a pioneering all-black town, drew inspiration from the rich oral traditions and folklore of the African American community. Immersed in the cultural milieu of the Harlem Renaissance at Howard University, her groundbreaking research...

Vendor: Jane truman

$3.99 $4.99