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READY FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR | All teachers know how important it is to be in contact with parents on the regular. With this free contact log binder setup, you'll no longer need to worry about who called when, for what, and what you need to do now.
How does Mrs. D use this binder?
I keep a 1" binder (you could use a 2" binder) with 6 front/back pages of this contact log for each student next to my school phone. You never know when a parent will call, so it's nice to have it handy!
I use page dividers to separate each set of pages by student. This makes it easy to grab contact logs by student when I need to show admin or take data to a meeting.
What is included?
• 1 Front Cover for the current school year
• 1" and 2" spine label that matches the front cover
• 2 pages of the contact log (print front/back)
All you need is a 3-ring binder!
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