1) Understand the Problem
2) Make a Plan
3) Do the Work
4) Answer the Question that was Asked and Check the Work
Free Problem-Solving Graphic Organizer includes:
✔ a multi-step math word problem problem-solving graphic organizer
✔ Step-by-step directions for the problem solving process that can be used in a minilesson focused on the problem solving process
✔ 1 multi-step word problem task card from the "School Supply" themed task cards set
My word problem task cards contain themes that you can use year-round, no matter the season or holiday that is around the corner! Incorporating real-world, relevant themes allows students to connect with math concepts while having fun solving problems.
This sample task card, while designed for 5th grade, is a good challenge for 4th graders and would provide a challenge to most 6th grade students who are still learning to analyze multistep word problems.
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